segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Create a custom MADDE target for MeeGo


  • Create SDK Meego image
You should get a base MeeGo sysroot KickStart file to make your changes above it. The MeeGo SDK KickStart files are available at We chose the core-armv7l-madde-sysroot.ks file (ARM architecture) as our start point. You can change the KickStart file as described at The modified '''sysroot''' MeeGo image can be created with the following command:

$mic-image-creator --run-mode=0 --cache=mycachedir --format=fs --arch=armv7l --config=core-armv7l-madde-sysroot.ks --package=tar.bz2
  • Add the image to MADDE
The script should be used to add the modified target to MADDE, it is available at We have to modify the original script since it is not supported by MeeGo anymore. It follows the command line to create the MADDE target using the script:

$sudo ./ /full/path/image/meego-core-armv7l-madde-sysroot-1.1.20101213.0940-fs.tar.bz2

NOTE1: do not use relative path to MADDE image file, always use absolute path
NOTE2: the script only works with tar.bz2 files

You can check if the target was successfully installed using ''mad-adim list'' command:

$ mad-admin list

fremantle-1030                                       (installable)
maemo412-1                                           (installable)
meego-core-armv7l-1.1                                (installable)
meego-core-armv7l-trunk                              (installable)
meego-core-ia32-1.1                                  (installable)
meego-core-ia32-trunk                                (installable)
meego-handset-ia32-1.1                               (installable)
meego-handset-ia32-trunk                             (installable)
meego-netbook-ia32-1.1                               (installed)
meego-netbook-ia32-trunk                             (installable)
meego-core-armv7l-madde-sysroot-1.1.20101213.0940-fs (installed)

How to customize the MeeGo UX

MeeGo uses a generic X session launch utility called Uxlaunch ( It is designed to quickly start X and a user desktop. There are two ways to set which script or application the Uxlaunch should boot:

    1. Editing KickStart (.ks) file. The .ks file is used to create a MeeGo image.

NOTE: You can get more information about creating MeeGo images at
    You can customize your MeeGo UX by setting the desktop session to your own script or application through the KickStart file. The desktop --session property is used by Uxlaunch to start the desktop session during MeeGo startup. Each MeeGo UX (Netbook, Handset and IVI) uses a different startup script or application, for example:

    #core-armv7l-n900.ks --> mcompositor ( used by MeeGo handset )
    desktop --autologinuser=meego  --defaultdesktop=DUI --session="/usr/bin/mcompositor"

    #core-ia32-generic.ks --> No window manager, only starts xterm, the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System
    desktop --autologinuser=meego  --session="/usr/bin/xterm"

    #ivi-ia32-noemgd-1.1.ks --> starts the matchbox window manager and the Qt GUI application through startivi script ( used by MeeGo IVI )
    desktop --autologinuser=meego  --defaultdesktop=X-IVI --session=/usr/bin/startivi

    It follows the content of startivi script used by IVI:


    ## check to see if a instance is already running
    CHECK=`/bin/ps auxwww | /bin/grep -v grep | /bin/grep "/usr/bin/ivihome$"`

    if [ -z "$CHECK" ] ; then
        xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch

        matchbox-window-manager -use_desktop_mode plain -use_titlebar no &

        ividesktop &
        panel=`which ivihome`
        case "x$panel" in
                while test $ret -ne 0; do

        xsetroot -bg white -fg red  -solid black -cursor_name watch
        echo "startivi is already started, run 'pkill startivi' to restart"

         2. Editing /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch file after image was created

      The /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch file has a session property that defines which script or application it should start. You can edit the file to start your own script or application.


      On our customized MeeGo image, we create our own script ('''twm-session''') to initialize the twm window manager and start our GUI application. For that, we changed the desktop --session property at KickStart file to start our twm-session script:

      #customized ks to "core-ia32-generic.ks"
      desktop --autologinuser=meego  --session=/usr/local/bin/twm-session

      It follows our twm-session script:

      /usr/bin/xsetroot -grey
      #starts twm window manager
      /usr/bin/twm &
      #starts our QT application

      NOTE: the twm-session script was installed during the image creation through signove-desktop RPM package.

      You can choose the Window Manager according to your needs. If your platform should support translucent applications, you will need a Compositing Window Manager like mcompositor and mutter. If your platform should NOT support translucent applications and need more efficiency, you could use a Stacking Window Manager like matchbox. You can read more about Window Managers at:

      You can check the links bellow to create translucent applications using QT:

      For more details about changing desktops on MeeGo: